Star Trek – Into Darkness – Movie Review


Greetings movie fans from the Milky Way, it’s J.A. Ireland,

I saw another terrific movie over the space tower. The latest Star Trek movie is another masterpiece.

Jim Kirk and McCoy on Nibiru

Jim Kirk and McCoy on Nibiru

It begins on Nibiru—a class M planet. Jim Kirk and McCoy are running from the angry natives. “Kirk to Shuttle One. Spock, neutralize the volcano and let’s get out of here.”

Spock is lowered into the volcano. The cable breaks and he lands on a floating stone in the lava. The Enterprise is hiding on the ocean floor.

Spock ignites the cold fusion device to freeze the erupting volcano, thus saving a civilization, then prepares to die—due to being trapped.

The Enterprise rises up from the water, as the natives watch. Mr. Scott beams Spock aboard as the cold fusion device explodes. The lave is frozen, stopping the eruption, saving the civilization that barely discovered the wheel. Kirk violated the Prime Directive.

London 2259.55 – A Star Fleet officer’s daughter is dying. Khan tells him he can save her. Khan makes a serum to cure the dying girl.

At Star Fleet HQ. For violating the Prime Directive, Kirk is stripped of his chair. Admiral Pike is ordered to take over the Enterprise as captain. Kirk is going back to the academy.

London- The medication works. The girl is saved. Her father blows up a Star Fleet data archive as payment for the drug.

Spock is transferred to the U.S.S. Bradbury. Kirk is Pike’s First Officer. Admiral Pike convinced Admiral Marcus that Kirk deserves a second chance.

Kirk informs Spock of the demotion. “You stabbed me in the back with your report, Spock,” Kirk says while on his way to an Emergency session, Daystrom. Spock meets Frank Abbot, U.S.S. Bradbury, Captain.

Admiral Marcus addresses the Emergency session

Admiral Marcus addresses the Emergency session

Admiral Marcus addresses the Emergency session. “In London, a Star Fleet data archive was bombed. 42 men and women are dead. One hour ago, in a message from a Star Fleet officer. The officer confessed to the bombing. He was forced to do so by John Harrison, another  Star Fleet officer. John Harrison has just declared a one-man war against Star Fleet. Under no circumstance are we to allow this man to escape Federation space. The man hunt is on.”

Kirk asked, “It doesn’t seem odd to you that he’d target an archive, a library?” John Harrison bombed the archive to gather the Star Fleet officers together in that room. It was procedure.

Seconds later, Harrison attacks the officers using a hover-craft chopper. Pike is killed while Kirk disables the chopper. Harrison survives the crash and is beamed to safety.

Mr. Scott learns that Harrison used a portable transwarp beaming device. He beamed to Kronos – the Klingon homeworld. He’s taken refuge in the Ketha Province, an uninhabited region for decades.

Later, Admiral Marcus says, “London wasn’t an archive. It was a top-secret branch of Star Fleet, designated Section 31.They were developing defense technology and training our officers to gather intelligence on the Klingons and any other enemy. John Harrison was a top agent. 31 developed a new photon torpedo. Long range and untraceable. Invisible to Klingon sensors.”

Marcus orders, “Kirk, You park on the edge of the Neutral Zone, you lock onto Harrison’s position, you fire, you kill him and you haul ass.”

Kirk replies, “Permission to reinstate Mr. Spock as my First Officer.”

“Granted,” Marcus agrees.

Science Officer Wallace is assigned to the Enterprise by Admiral Marcus. Lieutenant Carol Wallace. Doctorate in applied physics, specializing in advanced weaponry.

Mr. Scott - Chief Engineering Officer

Mr. Scott – Resigns Chief Engineering Officer

On board the Enterprise, Mr. Scott refuses to sign the receipt for 72 photon torpedoes. “Not without specs,” Scotty says. “I have a warp core to prime.”

Mr. Scott refuses to sign for the torpedoes. “Star Fleet confiscated my transwarp equation. Harrison used it to hop across the galaxy.”

“Sign for the torpedoes Mr. Scott, that’s an order,” Kirk says.

“I resign my duties,” Mr. Scott replies. “Jim, for the Love of God! Do not use those torpedoes.”

Kirk promotes Mr. Chekov to Chief Engineering Officer. “Go put on a red suit.”

 Mr. Chekov to Chief Engineering Officer

Mr. Chekov New Chief Engineering Officer

As they are warping to the Klingon homeworld, Spock learns of Lieutenant Wallace’s identity. She’s Admiral Marcus’ daughter.

Later, Kirk, Spock, and team are in a shuttle to the Ketha Providence. We see Praxis, the Klingon moon that exploded years ago. Mr. Spock believes he located John Harrison.

“Attention John Harrison. This is Captain Hikaru Sulu of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Surrender or be obliterated. If you test me, you will fail.”

On Kronos, the team zooms to Harrison’s location. They’re attacked by a D-4 class Klingon vessel. They land and are attacked by Klingons.

John Harrison kills all the Klingons then surrenders to Kirk.

My name is Khan!

My name is Khan!

Harrison is taken on board the Enterprise. He gives the coordinates, “23-17-46-11” to Kirk. He tells Kirk to open one of the 72 torpedoes.

Upon opening, they discover someone sleeping inside. Bones says, “The torpedo is refrofitted to hide a cryo tube. The person frozen inside is 300 years old. All 72 torpedoes have someone inside. The cryo tubes are ancient.

John Harrison says, “My name is Khan. I am genetically engineered to be superior in every way. We were exiled from Earth.”

Admiral Marcus used Khan to create weapons. He appears in a huge star ship. “I want Khan.”

Kirk orders, “Warp speed to earth.” As the Enterprise warps toward Earth, Marcus catches them and open fires. Mr. Scott is aboard Marcus’ ship. He disables the weapons.

Kirk and Khan sail through space, in suits, to Marcus’ ship. Mr. Scott opens the space hatch.

Young Spock talks to old Spock. “Khan Noonien Singh was the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced. He is brilliant and ruthless. He will not hesitate to kill your entire crew for his gain,” Old Spock says.

Young Spock asked, “Did you defeat him?”

“At Great Costs. Yes,” Old Spock replies.

Khan kills Admiral Marcus

Khan kills Admiral Marcus

On Marcus’ ship, Khan kills Admiral Marcus. He crushes his skull with his hands. Khan says to Spock, “Your crew for my crew. Spock, give me my crew. Lower your shields. I will kill you and your entire crew if you don’t give me my crew. I will turn off your life supports and step over your corpses to retrieve my crew.”

Spock lowers the shields and gives Khan all 72 torpedoes. Khan beams his sleeping crew aboard Marcus’ ship then open fires on the Enterprise.

Mr. Spock armed the torpedoes. They explode on board Khan’s ship. Spock and McCoy previously removed the sleeping people from the torpedoes. Khan’s crew was safely aboard the Enterprise. All Khan received was the empty tubes.

Due to the attack, the Enterprise is powerless and falls into Earth’s orbit. Kirk climbs into the radioactive chamber and realigns the core—restoring power. The ship is saved while Kirk dies from radiation poisoning. As Kirk dies, Spock yells, “Khan!”

Khan flees to earth. He crashes his star ship into Star Fleet headquarters.  Spock follows. He beams down to coordinates, “3517 by 2598.” Khan and Spock, the two super beings, race through the streets of San Francisco, 2259.55. They battle.

On board the Enterprise, Bones yells, “Get me a cryo tube, now!” He puts Kirk’s body in cryogenic freeze.

Khan and Spock battle in San Francisco

Khan and Spock battle in San Francisco

Spock and Uhura capture Khan and bring him back to the Enterprise.

Two weeks later, Kirk wakes in sick bay. McCoy gave him a transfusion of Khan’s super-blood. Bones synthesized a serum from Khan’s blood and brought him back from the dead. Spock, Uhura, and Bones saved Kirk’s life.

Spock put Khan back into cryogenic freeze with his crew.

Enterprise begins Five-year mission

Enterprise begins Five-year mission

The Enterprise begins a five-year mission to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before.
The movie ends.

This was an awesome movie. The actors gave all-star performances as always. I think it’s terrific when young Spock gets advice from old Spock.

I can see we’re not the only civilization that’s experimenting with genetic code manipulation. It appears, Khan Noonien Singh is a very dangerous result of genetic engineering on Earth.

Until we talk again,

May good fortune guide your path.

J.A. Ireland